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How does data residency work in the Atlassian Cloud?

As we explained in our article on data residency, data residency is a concept of Cloud computing where the geographic location of the data is determined. If you work in highly regulated industries, such as the financial sector, data residency may be necessary to run a Cloud application in the first place.

Thanks to Atlassian’s concept, it is possible for Jira Software, Jira Service Management and Confluence to choose the location where your in-scope product data is stored.

These locations are available for selection

Global – all Atlassian Clouds in the AWS region

Australia – Sydney AWS region

EU – Frankfurt and Dublin AWS regions

USA – USA East and USA West

Germany – Frankfurt AWS Region

In-Scope Product Data

Atlassian provides an overview of in-scope product data, which can be pinned and which cannot be pinned.

Product ✅ Can be pinned ❌ Can’t be pinned
Jira Software
  • All attachments
  • Board and sprint data
  • Comments
  • In-product notification data
  • Jira issues and field content (including system and custom fields)
  • Jira search data
  • Project configuration data (including workflows, custom field configuration, and board configuration)
  • Connected DevOps data (including commits, branches, pull requests, builds, deployments. feature flags, remote links)
  • Product analytics
Jira Service Management
  • All attachments
  • Comments
  • In-product notification data
  • Asset object data and schema configuration data
  • Jira issues, request types, and field content (including system and custom fields)
  • Jira search data
  • Project configuration data (including workflows and custom field configuration)
  • Queue data
  • Configuration management databases (CMDB) used for the external asset platform.
  • Any incident management features powered by Opsgenie.
  • Customer accounts
  • Knowledge base category data (if integrated with Confluence)
  • Product analytics
  • SLA configuration data
  • Data used by Halp
  • All attachments
  • Comments
  • Confluence page and blog data
  • In-product notification data
  • Page and comment likes
  • Page metadata
  • Source data for notifications in emails
  • Permission and restriction configuration data
  • Product analytics (search data and space keys)
Atlassian Access
  • User account information data
  • Audit log events
All products
  • Atlassian Marketplace and app data
  • Automation rule configuration data
  • Cached content (up to 30 days)
  • Data in transit (up to 30 days)
  • Product, audit, and operational logs
  • Product analytics
  • Team profile information data
  • Third-party product integration data
  • Transient rule execution data
  • User account information data
  • User analytics


Note: All analytics data is hosted in Atlassian’s US location!

Also, Atlassian Marketplace apps are not covered by Atlassian data residency.

Read more information in Atlassian’s guide here: Understand data residency.

Why can’t user account data be pinned?

Atlassian stores user account information in a central identity service and a controlled small group of replica services. Account information data is hosted globally to meet Atlassian customers’ agile performance requirements. By limiting the digital footprint in the system, information is not stored directly in the product. Instead, Atlassian uses representative IDs that can be used to retrieve the data from identity services.

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