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What is Atlassian’s security approach for Cloud?

The basic principles of the Atlassian Cloud are security and reliability. Atlassian’s goal is to be a leader in the security of Cloud structures. This is primarily to be through unconditional transparency around programs, metrics, and processes that Atlassian uses to ensure Cloud security.

Security is divided into what Atlassian calls the 3-pronged approach.

1. Platform design

The foundation of the Atlassian security approach is platform design. This means that the engineering team completely redesigned the platform to design a secure platform from scratch, rather than reengineering an existing platform.

The platform’s technology is based on AWS infrastructure complemented by a multi-tenant architecture.

2. Security in practice

Atlassian must follow certain processes, such as incident management, to ensure that these processes are functional on the platform design.

Strict authorities, or Atlassian’s zero-trust approach, regulate who has access to data in the first place. Regular security testing identifies threats at an early stage. Certifications are also part of Atlassian’s practical security model, as well as early incident detection.

3. Security features

At the top of the Atlassian security pyramid are security features. These can be specific features used by Atlassian customers, such as through Atlassian Access, restricting allowed IPs from the corporate network, or even using audit logs. These features are integrated with Atlassian products to provide an extra level of security.



Wrapped around this three-part security approach is compliance, the independent verification mechanism that proves the Atlassian platform can meet the processes specific standards.

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