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Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira

For Server, Data Center and Cloud

You want to protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII), perform automated user anonymization (GDPR/DSGVO), de-identification (CCPA/HIPAA), or detect and redact sensitive data? With a single app, you can ensure that your Jira complies with any data privacy law around the world! Discover all features in our documentation and say hello to risk-free data protection!

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More Information
  • Avoid million euro fines

  • For CCPA, GDPR, HIPAA, LGPD and more
  • Automatic user anonymization

One single toolkit for any data protection requirement

Because your time is too valuable to waste on error-prone workarounds

Automated and efficient Data Cleaner

Do you want to ensure, for example, the “right to be forgotten” according to article 17 GDPR/DSGVO in Jira? Or de-identficate Jira users as you should for HIPAA or CCPA? With just a few clicks, you can automatically anonymize and clean all personal data (PII). Transferring content ownership from one user to another user or when migrating from one to another account has never been so easy!

Easily manage consent for data processing rules

Quickly and easily create announcements in Jira that no one can overlook. It’s the perfect way to communicate data privacy policies and get consent. You can also send reminders for deadlines, cookies, or release notes. Choose the target audiences, the size of the Jira announcement banner, and the position completely flexibly without any HTML knowledge. Clear statistics help you organize personal data.

Anonymize content of users or projects

Watch out, admins planning content cleanups for data retention policy implementation: you can easily anonymize content before archiving or moving to other instances with this tool. This is also great for public spaces to be made accessible to freelancers!

Your ultimate toolbox beyond the benefits of data protection

As a Jira administrator, you’ll love this possibility to view thousands of current and historical permissions, manage profile visibility or export users. If you’re a data protection officer, you always need to know how to detect personal data and fix non-compliance to GDPR/DSGVO, CCPA, HIPAA, LGPD or more before any breaches are made. After all, you don’t want to risk heavy penalties. Here, you can easily detect and automatically change personal data such as passwords, API keys, credit card numbers and more.

Automated and efficient Data Search

Do you want to ensure, for example, the “right to be forgotten” according to article 17 GDPR/DSGVO in Jira? To anonymize Jira users, you first need to find them. A clear user interface lets you find any personal data (PII). Since you can even search for archived users and projects, you’ll easily safeguard all data subjects’ privacy rights!

Easily manage consent for data processing rules

Quickly and easily create announcements in Jira that no one can overlook. It’s the perfect way to communicate data privacy policies and get consent. You can also send reminders for deadlines, cookies, or release notes. Choose the target audiences, the size of the Jira announcement banner, and the position completely flexibly without any HTML knowledge. Clear statistics help you organize personal data.

Search for the content of users or projects

You can easily search for personal data (PII) with a pattern-based search and regular expressions. If any data matches the rule in this ticket, you’ll see the table with all found items right in the Check issue window.

Timely detection and remediation of personal data

As a Jira administrator or data protection officer, you always need to know how to detect personal data and fix non-compliance to GDPR/DSGVO, CCPA, HIPAA, LGPD or more before any breaches are made. After all, you don’t want to risk heavy penalties. Here, you can easily detect and manually change personal data such as passwords, API keys, credit card numbers and more.

Want a short excursion? Discover information on data protection, data residency, AWS and much more easily explained in our knowledge base.

The one and only all-encompassing solution for all your data privacy needs

Maximum data protection and minimal time investment meet here. This Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira is unique in the Atlassian ecosystem worldwide because it can fully support compliance to any data protection law.

Your benefits with Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira

  • Collect consent for data processing easily
  • Benefit from daily updated statistics
  • Avoid human errors caused by manual updates
  • Covers any data protection laws such as CCPA, HIPAA, GDPR/DSGVO or LGPD
  • Advantages beyond data protection (for announcements, authorizations, etc.)
  • Save time and ensure risk-free data protection

Do you want to know what data privacy laws exist around the world and how to master their compliance? Then discover our up-to-date overview of the most important global data protection laws!

Product insights

How to set up custom templates

Search and anonymize specific user data: Discover how to set up and enable templates in Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira.

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More Information

How to configure policies

Data privacy policies, server maintenance and user agreements: Find out how to set up announcements for your users.

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Explore the features of our app in detail

Unravel the layers of our app’s potential with this playlist, as each video offers a meticulous breakdown of a specific function. Our product owner Nikoloz Surmanidze will be your guide!

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Many companies are under the misconception that GDPR/DSGVO only applies to them if they have physical establishments in the EU. In reality, GDPR/DSGVO applies to any company operating in the EU, regardless of its physical presence, and companies processing personal data of individuals in the EU, irrespective of their nationality. You can also read our article that explains and compares Data Privacy Laws.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was enacted on January 1, 2020, to protect any personal information that could be linked to California residents. So if you rule an entity that is in California or collects, shares or sells personal data of Californian residents, AND if these apply to your company:

  • Annual revenues of more than $25 million

  • Data processing of greater than 50,000 users

  • Gains at least 50% of revenue from selling personal data,

you must be CCPA-compliant.

You can also read our article that explains and compares Data Privacy Laws.

Explicitly for healthcare, the U.S. has passed a law called HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) in 1996. Companies working in healthcare, healthcare providers such as hospitals, doctors, or even government programs such as Medicare, should check if their Jira and Confluence instance is HIPAA-compliant. You can do the HIPAA-compliance check here.

The Server and Data Center versions are identical. However, only a few modules are implemented in the Cloud version due to the limitations of the Cloud API.

The Jira and Confluence versions are similar, all modules are the same, but new features appear first in the Jira version and then in the Confluence version. Want to make sure your Jira Cloud version is data privacy compliant? Then feel free to contact our Data Protection compliance service.

No. The app allows you to automate common data protection tasks, such as obtaining consent, anonymizing personal data, or investigating security breaches.

We advise you to consult your legal team about the data security requirements in your specific situation, refine the processes and then configure the app to automate most of your activities and cover all your needs.

We are happy to help you with the configuration, just contact us!

It is possible to anonymize users’ names, but this process does not affect user mentions, simple text usage with usernames, or other personally identifiable information (PII). Our Data Cleaner module allows you to find PII types, anonymize previously disabled users, etc.

No personal data is stored or passed on to third parties in our Cloud apps. We keep only meta and configuration data under an anonymized user ID. The apps fetch all relevant data from the Cloud and calculate all data directly in the user’s browser.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Both versions of Data Protection and Security Toolkit (Jira and Confluence) are available over SSL only. We use a valid (not a self-signed) browser-trusted certificate without any human intervention. All the communications between “Client ↔︎ Jira (or Confluence) application ↔︎ Our app” are encrypted.

 As a part of our internal audit process, once per quarter.

Move securely into the future – with Data Protection and Security Toolkit

  • Manage consent for data processing rules
  • Automated and efficient Data Cleaner
  • Be safe with risk-free data protection
  • For: CCPA, GDPR, HIPAA, LGPD and more