We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.
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What are the key Scrum principles?

  • Control over empirical processes: This is where Scrum’s three main ideas of transparency, alignment, and evaluation come in.

  • Self-organization: With self-organization, the autonomy of the entire team is strengthened. An innovative and also creative environment promotes the growth of individuals.

  • Collaboration: “Teamwork makes the dreamwork” – this is no secret. Transparency about responsibilities and open communication promote team cohesion and project success.

  • Value-based prioritization: Scrum prioritizes tasks based on value and importance, which makes the work structure immensely easier.

  • Timeboxing: In Scrum, this term describes the division of work time into sprints, standup meetings, planning sessions, or even sprint reviews.

  • Iterative development: Project requirements in Scrum are constantly adapted to current requirements. Software development activities are also repeatedly reviewed in order to develop the best product.

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