Blog - Page 37 of 39 - Actonic – Unfolding your potential
We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.


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Video Tutorial: Jira for Project Managers

Jira with its multiple features is a great tool for Project Managers, who would like to plan their projects ahead. Projects in Jira are agile, their seettings can be changed easily and workflows are trackable. This allows Project Managers to stay on top of their projects and plan deadlines or the capacity of users. In…

Scaling Agile: an overview of popular frameworks

When it comes to extending the Agile approach across all teams, that may be a real challenge. Agile is a good way of thinking, but it is not yet a company-wide framework. While your Development team enjoys all the benefits of Agility, you may be wondering how one can take it to the next level and whether Agile is scalable.

Why you should become Agile: top 10 benefits to boost your workflow

Technology is evolving at a record speed, and we have to process enormous amounts of information in shorter time. Old methods don’t work anymore and traditional structures turn out to be too rigid and restrictive. It is obvious that if we fail to keep up with the insane pace of the modern world,…

Changing fields for certain issue types

MOST READ • Do you want to remove a field from the story task type? But the story task type is in the same screen mask schemas as other task types? We'll explain to you how it works.

Smart Workflows with Smart Apps: Collaborate better

There are only so many hours in a day, and it is important to make the most of them. No wonder, boosting productivity is every business’s goal. At Actonic, we are committed to helping our customers optimize processes and creating business environments allowing for increased efficiency and greater…

Video Tutorial: Jira Basics

Jira is a flexible tool used for project management and issue or bug tracking. We have recorded "Jira Basics" - a series of videos to help you get started. As Jira experts, we know exactly what you need to learn at the beginning and will guide you, step-by-step, through the core functionality. Create your first…

Removing a screen’s field in Jira

Screens group all the fields that are available in Jira projects. In some cases, you may be required to remove one of the fields. How do you do it? In this article we will explain it to you. Just follow the steps below.

Safe Password Management For Users And Administrators

Optimizing IT processes in a large company with hundreds of employees is always a challenge. Users there work with different kinds of software: Office365, Google GSuite, Salesforce, Jira, Confluence, etc and need to remember various credentials to get access to each product. The hard part about it is the sheer amount of data that they...