We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Migration support to Atlassian Data Center

Making big teams successful

Are you longing for giving up laborious and low scalable server instances for future proof solutions? With the end of license sale for Atlassian Server, Data Center instances for Jira and Confluence are the new future – especially for enterprise customers. Beginning with 500 users Data Center paves the way to new IT structures and high performance. Find out how we are able to help you achieve that.

High flexibility & infinite possibilities – explore Data Center

For everybody, who wants to learn more: Atlassian’s whitepaper “Server to Data Center: The Tipping Point”

Data Center enables ...

  • Flexible infrastructure
  • Reliably scalability &  high availability
  • Defined security requirements
  • Advanced identification checks

Benefits of Data Center over Server & Cloud

Data Center

  • High scalability and availability for every user tier
  • Flexible and customizable infrastructure
  • Multiple Data Center ready apps
    on the Atlassian Marketplace
  • Secure in performance due to back-up server
  • Load Balancer for data traffic

Server & Cloud

  • Restrictions in scalability
  • Data overload possible
  • Lower performance security due to missing back-up
  • User tier restrictions

Our migration support is helping you with:

  • Setting up an individual migration plan
  • Migrate Jira instances with every project
  • Migrating Confluence instances with all spaces
  • Migrating Bitbucket, BigPicture, Bamboo & Co.
  • Migrating individual configurations & apps
  • Identifying migration risks & solving them

Find out if Data Center is the right choice for you!

Step-by-Step to your new infrastructure with Data Center

Phase 0: Qualification

  • We will find out if Data Center is the right choice for you.
  • We will talk about your instances, structures, goals, prices and technical possibilities.

Phase 1: Assessment & preparation

  • We define your migration strategy.
  • We define your migration project team. This could be users/teams, which are effected by the move or new roles (z.B. Power user, project manager etc.).
  • We check your current infrastructure and set up first performance tests for your data in Data Center.
  • We define performance goals.
  • We find the balance between functionality and performance.
  • We support you in training users.
  • We are optimizing installed apps or install Data Center versions.

Phase 2: Technological decisions

  • We support you in making technological decisions for components like Load Balancer, knots and shared data (bases).
  • We consult and support you in setting up clusters.

Phase 3: Test & Launch

  • We migrate your data and apps.
  • We support you in notifying users.
  • We run tests for applications, adjust them and create documentations for every process.
  • We launch your Data Center instance.

Phase 4: Support

  • We support you in answering questions from your users.
  • We run post-migration check.
  • We decommission your Server instance.
  • We schedule a retrospective and talk about your migration process.

Actonic is the right partner for Data Center migrations

Free consultation for
Data Center readiness

One contact person for all of your questions – and to one strong team behind the scenes

Easily migrate with
clearly presented information

You want
to know more?

Contact our experts for a free consultation and an individual quotation.
