Blog - Page 36 of 39 - Actonic – Unfolding your potential
We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.


All Posts Actonic Agile Atlassian Atlassian Best Practices CCPA Cloud Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira Data Security GDPR HIPAA Inline Table Editing IT news Jira Jira reporting JQL JSM Migration OpsGenie Partner Articles Release Notes Report Builder Salesforce Team management Time management Timesheet Builder

Power JQL: Version 2.3.6 Release Notes

Our app Power JQL has undergone changes that make it even easier to use and more user-friendly. We've introduced new, improved search options! Now you can search for matching results:

Assignable users in Jira

Assignable users are those users that an issue can be assigned to. Do you need to limit the number of assignable users in Jira per issue type to only specific users? Try these simple steps below.

Are you truly Agile? Ask yourself these 6 simple questions

There are great benefits to being an agile organisation - from enhanced performance to company culture (If you are not sure what benefits we are talking about, take a look at Why you should become Agile). No wonder, therefore, that many companies view going agile as the ultimate transformation they...

Click & Run: set up, test and delete server instances fast

Imagine the following situtation: You're in a meeting with a customer and would like to present the functionality of Jira and Confluence. Wouldn't it be helpful if you could create a testing environment within minutes to showcase the product or reenact some of the customer scenarios?