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Jira First Response Time: custom Jira Scripts with Report Builder | part 2


Whether you are working in a support or help desk team: Crucial for your success and customer satisfaction is your quick reaction to problems. In technical terms: The First Response Time or First Reply Time to tickets. In order to calculate the response time, a report has to track the time of the customer request's entry and the time of the first status change made by a customer support representative. After you've calculated your First Response Time, you will also be able to calculate your Average First Response Time as well as your Median First Response Time.

"First Response Time" Report
in Report Builder

In our Report Builder Gallery we now offer a customizable report called First Response Time, which allows this kind of calculation.

The scope in the report can be configured in any way possible for Advanced Search with JQL.

For example:

project = “TEST” AND assignee = currenstuser () AND created > -1d

The report will now create the First Response Times for your current user, linked tickets to the project Test, with the creation date yesterday and today.

Read more about Advanced Searching with JQL 

How the First Response Time is calculated

Time of first response – time of customer request = (# Minutes) First Response Time

First Response Time is calculated by simply subtracting the entry time of the customer request from the time of a status change.

How the Average First Response Time is calculated

To see more of a trend over time, the report calculates the Average First Response Time by dividing the sum of all First Response Times by the number of resolved tickets.

[45 + 70 + 62 + 80 + 58 + 113 + 65] / 7 = 63.3 Minutes Average First Response Time

How the Median First Response Time is calculated

Another helpful variation of this metric is Median First Response Time. To find the median, all the response times are arranged in numerical order and the middle number is selected. Using the same numbers from the previous example, the Median First Response Time would be 65 minutes. Calculating the median reduces the impact of outliers like the 113 minutes response time in this example.

[45, 58, 62, 65, 70, 80, 113] = 65 Minutes Median First Response Time

Pros for calculating the First Response Time

  • Once you’ve calculated your First Response Time, you could use it in your marketing campaigns as an USP.
  • The duration and quality of help is crucial for your customer’s first impression of your support team.
  • It’s critical to establish as fast as possible that a request matters and to communicate it.
  • The shorter your response time, the happier your customers will be.
  • If a customer doesn’t get a response quick enough, he will most likely switch channels to get your attention or even switch vendors.

Cons for calculating the First Response Time

  • The First Response Time only shows when a response has been delivered, but doesn’t reflect if the customer was satisfied with the response. Be sure to track this metric along with Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) to maintain a holistic understanding of the customer experience.

Try the report in a 30 day free trial

Next level Jira Reporting with Report Builder

  • Create your own Jira custom reports
  • A clear roadmap for you and your team
  • No-code approach for intuitive usage
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