We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Driving Digital Adoption Successfully

We create customized WalkMe digital adoption strategies for companies

Oftentimes new software and digitalization processes are driving people and technologies apart. When the digital world skyrockets, companies have to move towards transformation by force. We are closing the gap between software, resources and users with WalkMe. With consulting and training we support companies on their digital adoption journey to new working methods in the best possible way.

Get to know the partnership

Since 2011 WalkMe has developed multiple ways of meeting users’ demands through digital adoption. Starting with a guidance system for user experience, WalkMe has since then expanded its’ position on the market and helped a growing number of companies around the world in digital adoption.

Actonic is focusing mainly on developing customized solutions for customers and pushing them forward in the digital world through agile working methods. After a careful selection process we’ve decided to partner up with WalkMe as a solution partner due to its benefits for our customers. We thrive off of our software expertise and respond to our customer’s needs with WalkMe consulting, training and support.

Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

Adapting to digital software made easy – WalkMe’s DAP is serving as an enterprise class guidance and engagement platform for amazing user experiences of employees and customers.

  • Guide users, employees & other target groups through software
  • Drive more engagement by users
  • Automate processes with WalkMe Automation to open up resources of your employees
  • Configure business desktops by creating notifications with WalkMe Desktop
  • Gain insights through data in DAP Center

Satisfied WalkMe Customers

Connect WalkMe with programs like:

  • Jira
  • Oracle®
  • Salesforce®
  • CRM Systems
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365®

Want to stay on top of digital transformation? Ask us how!

4 core benefits

Streamlined technology

Key performance support

Empowered employees

With less time to more competence

Great user experiences

Engaged & productive employees, ready-to-buy customers

Stability 🠑
Costs 🠓

High stability & maximum return of digital investment

Our WalkMe Solutions

Adapting software to individual user needs

  • You would like to reduce training and onboarding hours for internal software with customized walk-throughs?
  • You would like to minimize support tickets with an intuitive platform and FAQs?
  • You would like to ease your employee’s resistance to change for new software integrations?
  • You would like to improve your customer’s satisfaction by guiding them through your website?
Connecting workspaces digitally

Employee & management level is connected

Customer management with minimum contact

Enable high usability through self-service & continuous reviews

Source of knowledge

Cloudification of information through technological modernization

Ease resistance to change

Make implementations easy through onboarding & training

Achieve expected business outcomes

Overcome obstacles faster & forecast clearer

Use technological investment

Maximize return of digital investment

Accelerate training

Enable more competence through specified training tools & with less expenditure of time

Flexible work structure

Reskill users to new working methods & software with minimal training time

Leverage data

Allow executives to increase software usage & effectiveness through analytic dashboards

Gain more insight

Create visual & statistic insights for actions & behaviors through individual tools

Digital Transformation for ...

Your employees

Buying new software might be a good solution, but it is only one step along the way to a digital workplace. Only with personalized, on-demand training, tool’s opportunities will be used fully.

When the current technology is requesting too many resources or creating too many pain points, we are helping to adapt to tools with ease.

Your customers

When customers are visiting a website, use a software or product, they are likely to enjoy it once their expectations are met and support is available easily.

By making a few changes in different areas, customers will be guided through the experience and get the result they want.

Your product marketing

Product owners and teams working in retail will be familiar with problems concerning product marketing and launching. Release strategies working for one product may not be working for another. And customers might face some different issues with the product as well.

We are supporting with:

  • A software implementation plan
  • Customized training programs
  • Easing resistance to change & productivity boost

We are supporting with:

  • Reducing support tickets & help desk costs
  • Embedding new self-service-chains & self-support methods
  • Creating a personalized customer strategy

We are supporting with:

  • Improving launching processes for eCommerce & retail
  • Embedding a fitting self-service experience
  • Enabling data-based decisions through reporting
  • Guiding sales & support teams with the right tools

Learn more about your digital possibilities!

You want
to know more?

Contact us to talk to our experts, have all your questions answered and get an individual quotation.

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