We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

How Actonic helped SENEC, an innovative energy supply company, to develop exceptional products

Everyone thinking about the energy industry has modern technologies like solar power or electric cars in mind. True? SENEC is a German pioneer in this area. The company aims to not only bring progressive products into the market, but also to modernize, digitize and automate internal processes at the same time.

This optimization contributes to better product development. This modernity, which is already possible for SENEC end customers, should be made possible for SENEC employees in-house as well. Actonic was the ideal fit for analyzing those requirements, professional consultations and timely implementation.

“SENEC is looking for efficient tools in order to raise product development to a new level.”

“The new system has to be digitized, user-friendly, configurable and transparent.”

The challenge: Digitize processes & set up test environments for products

As a flourishing company, SENEC was faced with numerous challenges regarding their active IT system. The rapidly growing teams and the agile market required, among other things:

  • Introduction of digitized processes, for example for field tests

  • Centrally managed, partly automated, processes

  • Quick management of customer requests

  • Consultation in data privacy issues

  • Ensuring scalability, high availability and agility in the company

  • Etc.

About SENEC GmbH

SENEC GmbH is an energy supply company located in Leipzig, Germany, that is committed to developing innovative and holistic energy ecosystems as part of the energy transition.

In order to keep pace with employee and customer requirements and to speed up product development, field tests and productive interfaces are essential for SENEC. Therefore, SENEC requested an agile system and experienced technical consultants from us, which enable scalability and digitalization on a high level!

The developed, custom solution: Customization of Jira, Jira Service Management, Opsgenie and Co.

SENEC decided to choose the ideal tool on the market: Jira by Atlassian. Through our custom solution of highly available Jira instances, and especially Jira Service Management Cloud, SENEC is able to establish agile workflows and digitized processes for field test. The Cloud also offers other important features, such as automation and an integrated service desk.

In detailed meetings and consulting sessions, we discussed all requirements and implemented them iteratively in Jira Service Management or rather in the Atlassian toolstack in Cloud. As part of the first beta tests, our offered system was classified as productive rather quickly.

Our additional projects with productive solutions:

  • Implementation of incident management in Opsgenie for monitoring and quick processing of alerts, as well as setting up a general monitoring system

  • Setting up an IT Service Desk (ITSD), incl. automation as well as requirements for SLAs

  • Setting up a customer service with integration to other systems and compliant workflows, automations and SLAs

  • Creation of Advanced Roadmaps incl. consultation and training

  • Setting up an agile way of working in a team through Raci Matrix.


Data privacy and governance was another important topic during our collaboration. Through consultation for admins and an audit, Actonic as the data protection expert in the Atlassian ecosystem, ensured that instances comply with the European company laws in terms of data protection.

“Again, Actonic has supported us with its expertise and delivered great results which were quickly implemented in a productive environment.”