Blog - Page 18 of 39 - Actonic – Unfolding your potential
We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.


All Posts Actonic Agile Atlassian Atlassian Best Practices CCPA Cloud Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira Data Security GDPR HIPAA Inline Table Editing IT news Jira Jira reporting JQL JSM Migration OpsGenie Partner Articles Release Notes Report Builder Salesforce Team management Time management Timesheet Builder

Agile Marketing made easy with Confluence

Agility has become an integral part of today's working world. Even outside of software development. That's why more and more marketing teams are getting on the agile way of working. But what is agile marketing, anyway? What does Confluence have to do with it, and what are the best ways to improve working with Confluence? We answer these and more questions in this article.

Article 15 GDPR with Atlassian products: The access right in Jira & Confluence

To properly handle the right of access in the two softwares, the Atlassian ecosystem in Jira and Confluence provides capabilities built into the softwares and the apps "GDPR (GDPR) and Security for Jira and Confluence". In this article, we will introduce you to the two ways to properly handle requests related to the right of access.

Velocity Charts in Jira for better sprint planning

Velocity Charts in Jira are a good way to level up your sprint planning and make your team achieve any sprint goal. In this article, we will show you one easy way to measure the velocity of your Jira team. Read more now!

How to anonymize content of specific projects in Jira

GDPR compliance is a topic that primarily concerns working councils and Jira admins. This is because personal data or entire projects must be anonymized after a certain period of time. We will show you how you can fully anonymize Jira users and projects automatically and with just a few clicks!

Challenges in modern IT consulting

IT consultants advise companies on the implementation and support of IT systems and applications. In doing so, they act as interpreters, explaining complex computer technology to customers in a generally understandable way. Gregor Kasmann (Co-CEO of Actonic) reports exclusively on the challenges for IT consultants – and how they can be solved.

ITSM tool: Open Jira service tickets quickly found and resolved

To ensure your ITSM keeps customer satisfaction at a high level, it is necessary to quickly resolve incoming Jira issues and track down tickets that are still open. With a few clicks, you can create a report that shows unresolved Jira service tickets per status, assignees and in days. We will demonstrate how to use the ITSM tool!