We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Release Notes Inline Table Editing

All Posts Actonic Agile Atlassian Atlassian Best Practices CCPA Cloud Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Confluence Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira Data Security GDPR HIPAA Inline Table Editing IT news Jira Jira reporting JQL JSM Migration OpsGenie Partner Articles Release Notes Report Builder Salesforce Team management Time management Timesheet Builder

Inline Table Editing App Update Video Version 3.4.0

Inline Table Editing now has even more features! Inline Table Editing brings Excel-like functionality to Confluence. Our latest update extends the app even further. Experience the new features hands-on in our short product video!
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Inline Table Editing: Version 2.10.7 Release Notes (Server / DC)

Inline Table Editing version 2.10.7 is now available! New feature: We have developed a new notification to make collaboration in Confluence even easier. If someone is already editing a Confluence page while you want to make changes to a table, a notification will pop up.
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