Inline Table Editing: Version 3.5.2 Release Notes (Server/DC/Cloud)
New functions
Button to wrap each table into a macro: When you are working in the server version and create a table, you usually see the overlay of Inline Table Editing.

Once you hover over the buttons, it will allow you to apply the Inline Table Editing functions.
As of version 3.5.2, we have now integrated a button for Server/DC that allows you to embed any table into the macro (along with the latest functions) within seconds.

Style your tables as you would in Confluence themes: Now you also have more freedom to design your Confluence tables. For example, you can switch to a compact mode:

Simply show or hide the numbering column: Sometimes numbering columns are essential, sometimes annoying. One mouse click adapts the table to your current requirements.

Automatically stretch the table to the width of the page: In the server version, we have chosen as default that the table is automatically stretched to the full width of your Confluence page. However, you can also change this.

Any changes you make in view mode will be visible only to you and not to other people editing the Confluence page. This gives you full freedom to choose your preferred view mode.
In this product release, we have immensely improved the display of tables after PDF export. Similarly, table headings can now be edited flawlessly even after columns have been moved. Previously, there were occasional difficulties in editing newly added rows. We have fixed this issue in this release as well.
Do you have any further suggestions about our product? Please contact us!