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Report Builder: Version 3.1.16 Release Notes (Cloud/Server/DC)

Pivot report

  • New feature: Our Pivot report now displays “Total by Row” and “Total by Column” by default for all types of aggregations.
  • New feature: New aggregation options have been added:
    • Count of comments – you can use it to calculate count of comments, grouped by Issue Type, Component, or almost any other system or custom field.
    • # Subtasks – count of tickets of subtasks type
    • AVG Time Spent – average spent time
    • MIN Time Spent – minimum spent type
    • MAX Time Spent – maximum spent time
  • New feature: We’ve added 4 new aggregation options for any custom field of numeric type: AVG, MIN, MAX, Σ. For example if you have the custom field “Price”, which is number field type, in the aggregations list you will see 4 options:
    • AVG Price
    • MIN Price
    • MAX Price
    • Σ Price
  • New feature: The ability to select any custom field of “Select List” type to be used as aggregation option for “Group by” and “Columns” has been added.

Calendar report

  • New feature: The ability to use a few more fields for event cards has been added. You can select these field to show on the event card itself or in detailed pop-up:
    • Project
    • Affects Version/s
    • Assignee
    • Component/s
    • Description
    • Due Date
    • Environment
    • Fix Version/s
    • Labels
    • Linked Issues
    • Priority
    • Reporter
    • Resolution
    • Security Level
  • Bug fix: Events with duration more than 1 day are now displayed as single events for multiple days. Previously it was shown as a full day event for the start date only.

Hierarchy report

  • New feature: The ability to select custom issue types in our hierarchy report has been added. Now you can also see and edit your tickets in the hierarchy “Initiative-Epic-Story-Sub tasks”.

All reports

  • New feature:
    • “Filter by” filed has been improved for Timeline, Pivot and Hierarchy report types.
    • Now you can check “Include parent and epic links issues” option.
    • Your chosen scope will automatically be extended with parent tickets (for sub-tasks) and parent Epics (for tasks, stories, etc.).
  • Improvement:
    • We’ve improved the drag-and-drop functionality for “Filter by”, “Group by”, “Columns” and other similar fields.
    • Now you can select an element by double-clicking on it.
    • Also, if some option allows only a single element to be selected, drag-and-drop and double click will replace your already existing element.

Interested in our upcoming Report Builder releases? Visit our roadmap on Trello

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