We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Report Builder Version 4.0.0 Release Notes (Data Center/Cloud)

At Actonic, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience and features. We are always looking for ways to improve and enhance our products to ensure that our users have the tools they need to succeed. With this in mind, we are excited to announce that we have made some changes to our Report Builder app. To give you even more functionality and value, we have moved the Teams and Timesheets modules in our latest release to our new Timesheet Builder app. Here’s what this means for you:

This is the new Report Builder

Report Builder is still your app for creating highly customizable Jira reports with an excellent Report Building Service that creates any report imaginable designed especially for your organization. With Report Builder, you can still:

  • Create custom reports
  • Easily use pre-built report templates
  • Customize reports in code with HTML and JavaScript
  • Script reports from scratch
  • Export reports to Excel, CSV or PDF

This is the new Timesheet Builder

Timesheet Builder will offer you the most efficient time management to help you manage your teams and resources. With Timesheet Builder, you can:

  • Track time with personal timesheets reports
  • Create multiple timesheets
  • Quickly find out how many billable hours were used for a particular Jira project
  • Analyze and allocate your (teams’) resources efficiently
  • Manage your teams and resources

What does the latest update mean?

If you want to quickly and easily use work logs with great privacy settings, as well as successfully manage your teams in Jira, you need Timesheet Builder from now on.

Check out our detailed migration plan and what it means to your current access to Report Builder.


Great news: If you decide to integrate Timesheet Builder, we’ll give you an attractive special offer. Up to 100% discount on the rest of your current license for testing Timesheet Builder is waiting for you. Contact us to receive your individual offer!

Interested in our upcoming Report Builder releases? Visit our roadmap on Trello

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