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Report Builder: Version 3.6.0 Release Notes (Cloud/Server/DC)

All the reports

  • New feature: Sharable link functionality has now been added to reports. Report owners (both Universal and Scripted types) can now share temporary access to reports using a sharable link. Users who access the report via the sharable link will have temporary access and not see the Shared Report tab. In addition, the report owner can revoke access by the sharable link at any time.

Scripted Report – Issue Export Panel

  • New feature: The ability to change Scripted Report visibility by Issue Type is also added to Report Builder. Now, report owners can select Scripted Report visibility based on Project and Issue Type.
  • Bug fix: The issue with the Remaining Time Estimate field has been fixed. Previously the calculation of Remaining Time was incorrect for issues with multiple work logs and defined Original Estimate.


  • New feature: The ability to switch between teams directly from the Team Timesheet report has been added. Now, Team Owners could easily switch between different teams to compare their Time Sheets.

Interested in our upcoming Report Builder releases? Visit our roadmap on Trello

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