We have merged our Atlassian licensing and consulting business with our partners over at Seibert Group. The Actonic apps will continue to be developed by the same caring team as before.

Use co-terming and never miss a license renewal again!

You walk into the office in the morning, unsuspecting, to find a huge chaos: your team can no longer use Confluence! The first employee of the day thought it was his computer, but it doesn't work for his colleague either. Is it due to the office? Then you get a message that your employees from home can't access the software either. Jira is working fine, but no connection to Confluence is possible via Jira also. Total software downtime throughout your company.

What happened?

And how do you solve the issue?

In this article, you will find out.

License management challenges

The scenario described here is a case that could happen if you are using Confluence in the cloud version and have missed renewing your license. Other license management difficulties, not only with Atlassian products but in general, is the lack of transparency. You may have purchased many licenses at different times, but want to cancel or renew them at the same time.

Then there is the classic case that you have hired many new employees. This is a reason for celebration, but may require an upgrade of your current license subscription. Will the existing licenses be renewed as well?

And can you really say with certainty that you have chosen all your licenses according to your needs? Or are you in possession of licenses that you don’t even need (anymore)?

Why license management is so complicated with multiple licenses

  • Enormous time investment in addition to the actual daily business

  • Costs have to be tracked continuously

  • Licenses expire due to the lack of transparency

  • Risk of over-licensing and under-licensing

  • Budgeting becomes a challenge

  • Risk due to non-license-compliant installations

What is co-terming of license agreements?

The many challenges of Atlassian license management can be easily solved with co-terming of your license contracts. Co-terming means that all individual subscriptions on an account are configured to have the same duration. This way, all Atlassian and third-party add-on licenses can be managed simultaneously.

Managing multiple Atlassian licenses is greatly simplified with their co-terming, preventing a scenario like the one described above from occurring in your company.

Advantages of the co-terming of licenses

  • Reduction of procurement cycles

  • Simplification of budget planning

  • More time for the essential daily business

  • Always be up-to-date with the latest software

  • Easy simultaneous renewals/upgrades of all add-ons in your Atlassian ecosystem

  • No risk for missed license renewals

Actonic supports you in license management and co-terming

To successfully co-terminate your Atlassian licenses, you need an experienced partner – that’s when we step in. First, we analyze your exact needs and make sure you only have the licenses you need. Then we handle the management, upgrades and co-terming of your licenses.

And the best part about our service is that it’s completely free, whether you purchased Atlassian licenses from us or not.

Contact us, and we’ll make sure you never have to worry about license management again and can focus entirely on your valuable work.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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