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Timesheet Builder: Version 1.13.0 Release Notes (DC/Cloud)

Data Center and Cloud

More information for better decisions

We added a new tooltip to the General Information page of team settings. It is added near the scope picker and helps to understand, that the chosen scope will be applied to the team, and team members will be able to work only on the selected scope of projects, issues, etc.

Find what you need faster

The search logic on the issue panel has changed, now search results are more clear and correspond with the search query.

Additional information

A tooltip to spent time was added. By hovering on spent time user should see the start time.

New display format

We changed the calendar display format. Now it is shown in three columns, and it makes this calendar more readable.


It’s a bug, not a feature – and we fixed it.

Data Center

Get more information in your inbox

Implemented a custom notification scheme, independent from Jira. Now notifications are sent according to the team’s permissions settings, and if the user does not have any permission to see worklog data, notifications are not sent to that user. Previously, a standard Jira notification scheme was used, and all secured data was anonymized. Users were getting notifications with anonymized data.


Notifications in your inbox

Custom notifications are now sent to worklog author if his/her worklog was assigned to a team by the user’s manager.

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