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Report Builder: Version 3.1.13 Release Notes (Cloud/Server/DC)


  • New start page: We’ve added a new start page to Report Builder. All users visiting the app for the first time will be directed to it. It explains different modules and links to source like the documentation.
  • Improvement: We’ve done multiple UI improvements and fixed some small bugs related to permissions, browser compatibility and deleted reports.


  • New feature: It is now possible to order table results in quick reports like  Timeline, Pivot and Workload Pivot.
  • New feature: All resolved tickets are now  displayed as “crossed”
  • New feature: Time zone configuration check has been added. If your browser time zone and user profile time zone are different, a notification message will appear. It is important to configure the time zone or it could have some side effects on report calculation.

Pivot Report

  • New feature: New aggregation option has been added – “Sum of story points”

Hierarchy Report

  • New feature: The ability to export Hierarchy reports to Excel, CSV and PDF has been implemented.

Quick Report Timeline

  • New feature: Drill-down for time logging details – Click on any time log to got to issue navigator and to get an overview of all the involved tickets.

Issue Exporting

  • Improvement: We’ve added a progress bar to the exporting function, to avoid exporting incomplete reports.

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