We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Report Builder: Version 3.1.1 Release Notes (Cloud/Server/DC)


  • Multiple UI improvements: We added a lot of tooltips to different UI elements on “My Timesheets”, “Reports” and “Teams”. Some elements sizes and margins were changed to be more user-friendly and easy to use.

My Timesheets

  • Improvement: Calendar header is now always visible (sticky header) when scrolling down.
  • Improvement. “Log work” dialog has been improved. Date and time pickers were changed to set and change date and time separately. “Today” will be selected as a work log date by default.


  • Bug fix: Navigation issue has been fixed. Previously, if users navigated through breadcrumbs from particular report to the gallery or personal reports, the wrong tab was selected.
  • Improvement: Scripted Reports field configuration window was changed to support complex fields and field editing functionality.


  • Improvement: Links panel has been improved to support links of every length.

Report Gallery

  • New reports in the gallery:
    • “IssueType per Assignee” – check who in your team has the largest number of tasks. Review how efficiently your resources are used in different activities and make any adjustments.
    • “First Reply Time” – check the number of minutes between support ticket submission and first reply from customer support representative.
    • “First Response Time” – check the number of minutes between support ticket submission and first status change by a customer support representative.

Interested in our upcoming Report Builder releases? Visit our roadmap on Trello

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