We have merged our Atlassian licensing and consulting business with our partners over at Seibert Media. The Actonic apps will continue to be developed by the same caring team as before.

Promo Codes for Actonic products


Actonic is not about some code that our development team implements into systems. It's about solutions to real-world challenges faced by agile companies.

Convinced development

We love developing new strategies every day on how to unfold the full potential of your business. That’s why we’ve been using our apps for Atlassian products ourselves as long as we can remember. Tracking working hours has been data protection-compliant for us for quite some time, and even the Confluence table processing would no longer be imaginable for us without Inline Table Editing.

Since we test our products ourselves, we can identify bugs and implement new ideas as quickly as possible.

But now it’s up to you!

Promo Codes for your opinion

When you’ve created something yourself, sometimes you’re a little colorblind, so we want to get as much customer feedback as possible.

Do you want to help us improve our products? Then feel free to share your opinion with us! Don’t be afraid to point out potential for improvement. Thanks to your help, our products can be even better adapted to your specific needs.

We are supporting small teams and glad to assist small businesses and startups. If your team is less than 50 users – you can get any of our Actonic Apps for free for 30 days, and then 50% discount just for a feedback and impression about the product!

How to get the promo code

  • Contact us

  • Tell us about your experience in an interview

  • Receive an individual promo code

Sounds easy? It is.

Schedule an interview with us now and benefit from free Actonic products!

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know more?

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