We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

“Actonics always stick together”: year in review 2022


Another eventful year is coming to an end: time to pause for a moment and take a look at the milestones we achieved together in 2022 before we start the new year with motivation.

Of course, we want to share our happiest memories with you.

Have fun with Actonics' 2022 year in review!

The year in numbers

Let’s start with the most classic of any review: the facts. In 2022, we:

  • made about 12k new readers a month happy with our articles on the website and in the Atlassian Community
  • provided valuable knowledge to over 100 participants in webinars
  • successfully enjoyed 48 kg of coffee (in Stuttgart alone)
  • won 20 new customers
  • hired 18 new employees – but there’s still room in the team
  • and found 9 new, wonderful partners


And because you can’t measure everything in numbers, here is a best-of list of our valuable enterprise experiences.

Finally, live events again

Like the previous year, 2022 was dominated by the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, face-to-face meetings and events were possible again under certain conditions. We went to Las Vegas, Budapest, and Wiesbaden and enjoyed meeting partners and friends, whom we have only known online for years, personally for the first time.

“We are happy to see people in person again,” says Gregor Kasmann, Actonic’s co-CEO. “You can talk to each other completely differently on site than just behind the screen. The atmosphere at a live event is also very different. We hope to travel even more in 2023.”

Award-winning development work

We and our customers have long known our fully remote development team performs outstanding work. This year, their work on the Forge app Space Permissions Overview was recognized at the Atlassian Codegeist 2022 hackaton.

Out of more than 3,000 participants from 84 countries, we ended up in the top ten. Awesome.

This was definitely a highlight for Actonic in November. We are excited and proud of our team for achieving this. Keep up the good work!

Cinematic product promo video

This year we launched our new app, Timesheeet Builder, which is unique in the world when it comes to Jira time tracking while ensuring data privacy. For this, we put a lot of love and time into a promo video beforehand, which resonated well with you.

Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Missed the video premiere? Catch up now:

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Great when the Head of Marketing is a genius when it comes to film and photography!

Working from anywhere

In these times and in this industry, it is simply no longer necessary for all employees to work from the same place. That’s why we established a completely flexible way of working in the fourth quarter. In the future, Actonics will no longer have to come to the Stuttgart headquarters regularly – but will, of course, remain welcome there at all times and will always have a convenient place to work. We don’t want to miss out on regular on-site team meetings.

Working more flexibly will now literally create new spaces for creativity, and is also the basis for making long-awaited dreams come true. One of our consultants, for example, has been working from Japan for a few months now and sends us pictures every day – no, we’re not jealous, of course!

If you are also interested in flexible work in the future-proof IT industry, feel free to browse our open positions!

New success in 2022

“In 2022, our cloud business grew by a full 300%,” says our CEO, Domenico Manzo. “A big success was also the promotion of our apps, here too we doubled the revenue compared to last year.”

In general, he adds, our customer feedback also shows that Actonic’s products are of high quality. They deliver what they are supposed to do, are under constant development, and are hardly affected by bugs.

Continuing, Domenico says, “We have achieved everything we wanted this year. I’m sure the excellent company culture is a major part of why we’ve been so successful as a team.”

Teamwork across national borders

Since Actonic’s founding, our development team has worked completely remotely. New employees joined us from many countries around the world, so our teamwork is now influenced by all kinds of time zones. But you don’t notice this in our day-to-day business.

On the contrary.

Since I joined Actonic as Marketing Manager, I’ve enjoyed a loyal sense of community that I’ve never experienced before in any company. No matter what’s going on, if colleagues have an urgent problem, they get help. It doesn’t matter whether you quickly make a call to the USA or shout across the open-plan office: we Actonics always stick together.

Thank you for that! :heart:

Just say thank you

While we’re on the topic: It is only thanks to you, our loyal readers, customers, partners and friends, that we have been able to discover and unfold new potential this year.

We would therefore like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your trust and loyalty. We look forward to rocking 2023 together with you.

Last but not least: Party time

Because we love a cozy get-together at Actonic, it’s easy for us to find reasons for having parties. For example, some of our employees couldn’t fly in for our Christmas party in Stuttgart. That’s why we simply added a second, online Christmas party.

Two is better than one.

Goals for 2023

Of course, we already have concrete goals for the coming year. First, we will achieve Platinum status as an Atlassian Solution Partner in the first quarter. This is already certain, and the champagne is chilled.

As the Atlassian Cloud becomes more and more important, the structures at Actonic are also changing. In the past few months, we have performed many migrations to the cloud, so we will slowly but surely evolve into a cloud consulting company. Accordingly, we are looking for more talented consultants who know the benefits of the cloud and can combine imagination and structures.

Our apps will also see some updates in 2023, especially when it comes to the user interface. We want to make it more intuitive to use and the layout even more in line with the Atlassian spirit.

Of course, we also want to establish more partnerships. After all, what would the world be without good friends?

Unfolding new potential together

Looking back on this year makes us very happy and proud. Above all, our team, which works across the globe and yet always sticks together to create outstanding products, is Actonic’s secret recipe for success. No matter where we work from, together we can move mountains.

We are immensely lucky to work with such wonderful people daily – this, of course, includes our customers, partners, and friends.

Thank you for your loyalty. We can hardly wait to achieve new success together with you in the new year.

We wish you all a relaxing holiday season and a happy new year!

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