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GDPR for Jira: Version 1.14.5 Release Notes (Server)

GDPR for Jira is now even more convenient and time-saving!

Data Cleaner section:

  • We’ve added new predefined rules for German mobile numbers.
  • Select any custom fields of the text Field (single-line or multi-line) when creating or editing the template in the object field. These fields are already available by default in the user anonymization template.
  • We’ve improved the automatization. Start the search or anonymization process using a rest request. Read more about this function in our documentation.

Permissions Monitoring section:

  • We’ve added the Global Permissions option to the project filter. Search for current or historical permissions configured globally. Read more in the documentation.

Moreover, GDPR for Jira is now fully compatible with Jira 8.12!

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