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GDPR (DSGVO) and Security for Jira: Version 1.15.0 Release Notes

New features

Notification & Announcements

  • We’ve added a new field “Show for projects” to the announcement templates, that allows to show announcements only in the specified projects.

Data Cleaner

  • We have added new post functions to the “Anonymize User” template. These post functions add the functionality to anonymize user profiles and remove specified source user from groups. It may not work correctly if the user comes from “Active Directory” in RO mode, because of the synchronization restrictions.
  • In this version, we added the possibility to choose inactive (disabled) users for search/anonymization process in all templates.
  • The post function “Add comment to the ticket” was updated – we added the possibility to fire “Issue Commented” event after creating a new comment. It means, administrators of the Jira may react somehow to the process of the anonymization using this event.
  • A new post function has been added to the “Custom template”. This post function allows adding specified labels to the affected issues during the anonymization process.

Bugfix and improvements

Notification & Announcements

  • Previously, there were problems with changing the announcement answer using “Pinned Announcements” and “User Profile functions”. The new answer didn’t change correctly.
  • From this version, we’ve implemented caching for the announcement data to decrease the number of requests to the database. We’ve also implemented special functions to decrease the number of requests from one user to the server – if a user is not available for some time, requests will not be sent while the user won’t do any action on the Jira page. If a user has multiple opened pages, requests to the server to check new announcements will be sent only from the active tab.

Data Cleaner

  • We implemented some fixes for CRON validation and starting scheduled tasks. Also, we’ve change validation for hanged up tasks to prevent possible case with failing starting queued tasks.
  • UI fixes have been implemented. This fix improves the behavior of some buttons, which don’t work correctly in some version of the Jira

Recurring tasks

  • In this version, some fixes for CRON validation and starting scheduled tasks have been made.

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