We have outsourced our Atlassian licensing and services business to the newly founded Seibert Solutions GmbH. Actonic's products will be further developed under the usual name.

Timesheet Builder Version 1.20.0 Release Notes (Data Center/Cloud)

We are delighted to introduce a compelling array of new upgrades and functionalities within our Timesheet Builder. The latest update for Data Center and Cloud offers you strong enhancements. Get to know them:

Custom worklog attributes

You can now create and use custom worklog attributes to track and report your work more accurately and efficiently. We added two new attribute types: toggle and checkbox. For example, you can create a toggle attribute to mark your worklogs as “overtime”. Team leads can also add these attributes to their teams, so team members can use them and mark their worklogs accordingly.

UI/UX improvement and bug fixes :lady_beetle:

We improved the user interface and user experience of our application, making it more intuitive, responsive, and user-friendly. We also fixed some bugs and errors that were affecting the performance and functionality of our application.

Please update your Timesheet Builder to take advantage of these new features and improvements.

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