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Mandatory attachment requirement for a specific status in Jira

The Problem

A user requires a mandatory pdf attachment for a specific workflow transition. How do you ensure that? Try taking the steps below.

The Solution

Please, note: you should have a scripting plugin like Power Groovy, MyGroovy or Scriptrunner.

1. Go to the Workflow

2. Click on Transition

3. Add a validator

a. Select Scripted (Groovy) Validator (JMWE add-on) and click Add

b. Enter the following in the Condition field: issue.getAttachments( ).find {it.filename.endsWith(“.pdf”)}. Then click Update.


Transition Screen: Approve Cost

In the case of an error, click Cancel

Add a PDF attachment:

Move the issue to the next status.

That should do it!

We hope it helps. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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