We have merged our Atlassian licensing and consulting business with our partners over at Seibert Media. The Actonic apps will continue to be developed by the same caring team as before.

Lernen Sie alles über Jira

Jira is one of the most widely used software in the world for project management and issue tracking. Become a Jira champion and discover all articles about the solution.

How to track epics in control chart?

Damit Epics in der Übersichtskarte nachverfolgt werden können, muss man zuerst einen neuen Workflow erstellen. Anschließend sollte der Workflow mit dem Epic Vorgangstyp verknüpft werden. Diese Schritte sind dabei zu beachten: 1) Gehen Sie zu Administration → Vorgänge→ Workflow Schemata, 2) Wählen Sie die Option „Bearbeiten“ für den entsprechenden Workflow in Verbindung mit dem Projekt, 3) Wählen Sie „Workflow hinzufügen“ und dann „Vorhandenes hinzufügen“, während Sie den neuen Workflow auswählen, 4) Wählen Sie den Epic Vorgangstyp, 5) Veröffentlichen Sie den neuen Workflow
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Jira – What is story vs. task?

The story in Jira helps to represent a goal. This can be, for example, the implementation of a Jira instance for customers. On the other hand, tasks can be viewed as individual issues or to-dos that need to be completed before you go live with a Jira instance.
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Jira – who can start the sprint?

A sprint can be viewed as a defined period in a continuous development cycle where teams complete work from the product backlog. You can start a sprint only if no other sprint is active at the same time. In addition, it is necessary that you have the "Organize Sprints" permission.
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Jira system fields and their meaning

Jira has some predefined fields that you can select when creating a ticket. Since you cannot remove them from the system, they are called system fields. Here are the most important system fields explained:
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Send Jira comments as a permalink

Do you have a Jira ticket with many comments and would like to refer to this one comment and save your counterpart some time? Then just send the comment as a permalink. Navigate to the comment you want to share
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