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GDPR (DSGVO) and Security for Jira & Confluence: Cloud Update

Data Cleaner

  • New feature: New action “Webhook” has been added. It provides the ability to trigger custom webhooks for affected content. You can use it to created Jira issues, post messages to Slack or Teams channels, and many more.
  • New feature: We added the ability to search by raw or rendered fields.
  • New feature: We added the ability to extend action types “Add comment”, “Send notification” and “Send notification to the template owner” with dynamic variables. Use various variables to make your notifications more detailed and useful.
    • Some variable examples: {{templateName}}, {{ruleName}}, {{actionName}}, {{baseUrl}}, {{projectKey}}, {{projectName}}, {{issueKey}}, {{issueSummary}}, {{linkToIssue}}.
  • Bug fix: We fixed the existing issue with localizations.


  • Bug fix: The appearing “disabled” bug when trying to create a new announcement from template, select “Enable” on creation page and save the announcement has been fixed.
  • Bug fix: The bug when the announcement never shows up when groups were selected, has been fixed.
  • Bug fix: The bug when users can’t remove groups if they were selected, has been fixed.

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