Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira V. 3.4.0 and Confluence V. 2.3.0 Release Notes (Data Center)
We are delighted to introduce a compelling array of new upgrades and functionalities within our Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira and Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Confluence. These Data Center versions are packed with powerful enhancements such as great bulk operations, UI improvements, and bug fixes.
This is what we have renewed for you
Added the ability to use our API to anonymize users in bulk more efficiently
Bug Fixes 
Resolved the 500 error, no longer reproduced due to the pinned announcement in Confluence.
Eliminated the 500 error that used to occur when opening the announcement in the user profile in Jira/Confluence.
User Export: Addressed issues with filtering in the user group and project pickers, ensuring a smoother experience.
User Anonymizer for Jira version 9.7.0: Fixed various bugs to enhance performance and reliability.
Successfully resolved the 500 error that occurred during template deletion.
We hope these enhancements provide a more streamlined user experience. Please update your Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Jira/Confluence DC to take advantage of these new features and improvements.